Unravelling Anxiety

Unravelling Anxiety

The most common reason that we hear from our clients for booking an appointment with our Psychologists is to help manage anxiety. It is common for people to feel “anxiety about anxiety” or “fear or the fear”.When a great ship is in harbour and...
How To Lift Your Mood In Just a Few Minutes

How To Lift Your Mood In Just a Few Minutes

When we go through periods of continuous stress, our mind can start to become stuck and blinkered and then our mood can start to suffer. Our thinking can become more rigid and we can start to experience depression. From a biological perspective, most people’s...
Diary of a Clinic Fitout – Part 5

Diary of a Clinic Fitout – Part 5

It’s done!! (Just about). What a big weekend we have had but really happy with the end result. Here are some photos I took today…. A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this beautiful clinic possible so far 🙂
Diary of a Clinic Fitout – Part 4

Diary of a Clinic Fitout – Part 4

Today began with a very big truck at the crack of dawn pulling into our location in the city center into the small laneway off Rowes Arcade coinciding exactly with the garbage truck collecting about 50 bins from the building… I’m glad I’m a...