Paralysed by Procrastination

Paralysed by Procrastination

Are you procrastinating something right now? Check this out. Hey- we have all been there. Whatever your vice is, memes, an episode or two on Netflix or cleaning the whole house… I’m not here to judge. Let’s just look at what might help. First, try to identify why you...
How Surroundings Affect Your Happiness

How Surroundings Affect Your Happiness

One of the most common things that I notice with my clients as they are feeling happier and lighter is that they come in and share experiences such as “I gave my house a big clean out the other day” or “I was able to let go of a lot of that old paperwork and clutter...
How Gorillas and Velcro Relate to Your Brain

How Gorillas and Velcro Relate to Your Brain

A cheeky baby gorilla, photo credit to: Arjan Haverkamp on Flickr Ever had the experience of thinking about buying a certain brand of car and then you start to notice that model everywhere? If you...