Brisbane CBD - Level 1, 235 Edward St Brisbane | Ashgrove - 25 Ashgrove Ave, Ashgrove

Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety can consume our thoughts – going over and over things in our mind, feeling worried and out of control, having lots of “what if” type scenarios scrolling through your mind.

It can also manifest with strong physical symptoms such as feeling faint/lightheaded, feeling like you can’t breathe properly, heart racing, feeling hot and cold, feeling like you need to go to the toilet a lot, a need to escape your environment, pins and needles, sweaty palms, nausea and/or feeling light headed.​

Our brains have evolved to be masters at detecting threats in our environment however for some people due to genetic and environmental factors, this part of our brain can become overactive. Anxiety can interfere with living the life you want to and can block you from pursuing aspects of life that are important for you. We consider anxiety a problem when it causes distress and interferes with your quality of life. Brisbane Wellbeing Clinic Psychologists can assist with:

  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Phobias
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Social Anxiety

A common reason for seeing our psychologists is Social Anxiety, also named Social Phobia. This is a fear of being judged, doing something embarrassing, or simply an anxiety and worry before, during and/or after social situations. Social Anxiety can mean avoiding seeing friends, avoiding going to events or places with people, but most importantly it impairs you living life the way you want to.

If you feel that you have feelings of anxiety, and they are causing you distress, please don’t hesitate to book in with one of our experienced psychologists for an initial consultation and assessment.
Read more about how to unravel anxiety….